Keepin’ It Real

May 14, 2007

Hillary’s taste in “fiction”

Filed under: Hillary! — mary @ 11:04 am

In an AP article by Ann Sanner entitled “Presidential Candidates’ Fictional Taste” the presidential candidates were asked the following question: “What is the last work of fiction you have read?”

Hillary Clinton answered: “Team of Rivals” by Doris Kearns Goodwin,1,7228929.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines

Pretty laughable since this book is a historical work highlighting Abraham Lincoln’s ability to develop a strong wartime cabinet out of the ideological factions of the newly-formed Republican party. (It’s a really good book – I just finished it a couple of days ago).

Fiction, Hillary? It is complimentary of our first Republican president and his political genius. It also discusses his refusal to be pressured by the “peace at any cost” political party during his prosecution of the Civil War. (The northern Democrats advocated letting the South continue with slavery as long as the war could end immediately. Some things never change) . Perhaps that’s why she labels it fiction.

The best answer of the round goes to Colorado’s own Tom Tancredo who names the last work of fiction he read as Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”. I’m surprised the AP wasn’t outraged!

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